Sunday with Ellie Taylor: ‘there’s a lot of pyjama action – we’re usually quite unwashed’

1 week ago 6

Lie-in or early start?
Always an early start. My one-year-old has just started sleeping until 6.15am. It feels much later than that because for a long time it was consistently 5am.

What time is breakfast?
About two minutes after either child gets downstairs. I’ll fill the kettle the night before and have a mug ready with a tea bag in it, so it’s good to go before I give the baby his bottle. Then it’s a video call to Australia to my in-laws, making the baby do his new tricks, high-octane stuff like clapping.

Family day or working?
It’s the only day of the week where we don’t have to race out the door to get to school or a dance class, so there’s a lot of pyjama action. We’re usually quite unwashed on Sundays. There’ll be telly, drawing, the park, a little tramp in the woods.

Sunday roast?
We aren’t traditional in that way. I think because my husband is Australian – it doesn’t mean anything to him. Sometimes I’ll invite ourselves around to my parents and we’ll have a lovely dinner. I love a roast when someone else

makes it, otherwise it’s a lot of faff.

Do you have a drink?
Way less than the good old days. Maybe a glass of wine, or a vodka and Diet Coke if I really want to push the boat out. Before Christmas we got into the habit of always having a bottle of champagne in the fridge. I might reinstate that. Why save it for celebrating? Let’s normalise champagne as a regular drink.

Sundays growing up?
I think of homework and Antiques Roadshow and car journeys in the dark with condensation on the windows on the way home from seeing family. And the dread of going back to school. When I was older, it would be exactly the same, but with a hangover.

Dread Mondays now?
Absolutely not. Weekends are so full on with a family. With Monday comes childcare and that is a beacon of hope after an exhausting two days of children. Also I like what I do and I’m keen to get cracking. I feel lucky.

Ellie Taylor has teamed up with British Lion eggs to create quick, naturally nutritious meals for busy families (

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