5 6.63v15.42c0 3.13-1.02 4.16-3.49 4.28v.78zm-39.57-19.03c0-6.44 3.25-10.78 7.41-10.78 3.85 0 6.32 3.49 6.32 7.77 0 2.17-.72 2.71-4.28 3.25l-9.4 1.63-.06-1.87zm8.55 19.82c5.72 0 10.3-3.79 12.17-9.58l-.36-.18c-1.69 3.43-5 5.42-8.73 5.42-6.93 0-10.72-5.96-11.5-12.83l20.12-2.65c-.24-8.07-5.36-11.87-11.81-11.87-8.13 0-14.03 6.69-14.03 15.66s6.14 16.02 14.15 16.02m-21.39-36.49c2.11 0 3.85-1.69 3.85-3.73s-1.75-3.85-3.85-3.85c-1.99 0-3.79 1.75-3.79 3.85s1.75 3.73 3.79 3.73m-6.32 35.71h13.25v-.78c-2.41-.18-3.55-1.14-3.55-3.98v-26.14h-.24l-9.64 2.71v.78c2.95-.3 3.91 1.02 3.91 3.91v18.43c0 3.13-1.08 4.16-3.73 4.28v.78zm-13.01.79c5.84 0 10.72-3.61 12.65-9.4l-.54-.3c-1.99 4.16-5.9 5.3-8.79 5.3-6.5 0-11.26-5.6-11.26-14.82 0-6.87 3.49-11.44 8.55-11.44 4.04 0 5.66 2.53 5.66 4.58 0 1.69-.84 2.77-.84 4.28 0 1.93 1.26 3.07 3.01 3.07s3.25-1.51 3.25-4.28c0-4.16-4.04-8.67-10.72-8.67-8.37 0-14.58 7.17-14.58 16.14s5.54 15.54 13.61 15.54m-30.84 0c7.83 0 14.09-4.82 14.09-12.41 0-6.44-3.19-9.52-12.41-13.73-8.55-3.98-11.87-6.63-11.87-10.96 0-3.98 3.19-6.87 7.89-6.87 5.42 0 11.87 4.46 14.15 13.73h.78l-1.14-14.21h-.72c-.06 1.51-.6 2.05-1.51 2.05-1.87 0-6.32-2.53-11.38-2.53-8.13 0-12.89 5.54-12.89 11.62s3.37 9.22 11.32 12.83c9.4 4.4 12.77 6.63 12.77 11.56s-4.16 7.95-8.85 7.95c-5.84 0-13.37-6.87-15.48-16.32h-.78l1.63 16.68h.72c.06-1.87.66-2.47 1.81-2.47 2.23 0 6.38 3.07 11.87 3.07">
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