Some of Earth’s meteors are probably coming all the way from a neighboring star system

1 week ago 14

1.69-.84 2.77-.84 4.28 0 1.93 1.26 3.07 3.01 3.07s3.25-1.51 3.25-4.28c0-4.16-4.04-8.67-10.72-8.67-8.37 0-14.58 7.17-14.58 16.14s5.54 15.54 13.61 15.54m-30.84 0c7.83 0 14.09-4.82 14.09-12.41 0-6.44-3.19-9.52-12.41-13.73-8.55-3.98-11.87-6.63-11.87-10.96 0-3.98 3.19-6.87 7.89-6.87 5.42 0 11.87 4.46 14.15 13.73h.78l-1.14-14.21h-.72c-.06 1.51-.6 2.05-1.51 2.05-1.87 0-6.32-2.53-11.38-2.53-8.13 0-12.89 5.54-12.89 11.62s3.37 9.22 11.32 12.83c9.4 4.4 12.77 6.63 12.77 11.56s-4.16 7.95-8.85 7.95c-5.84 0-13.37-6.87-15.48-16.32h-.78l1.63 16.68h.72c.06-1.87.66-2.47 1.81-2.47 2.23 0 6.38 3.07 11.87 3.07"> INDEPENDENT JOURNALISM SINCE 1921 SIGN IN

The number of interstellar objects coming from Alpha Centauri will increase over time

Alpha Centauri and other stars

Alpha Centauri’s two brightest stars blend together (yellow star at far left) in a photograph that captures the Southern Cross (center). New calculations indicate that Alpha Centauri is sending comets, asteroids and dust particles our way.

A. Fujii

Alpha Centauri, the nearest star system to the sun, is probably shedding comets and asteroids into our solar system — and even producing a few meteors in our sky.

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