Nigel Slater’s recipe for panettone pudding

1 week ago 7

I like this bread and butter pudding when it is barely set, so you get spoonfuls of just-set pudding and a little trickle of custard, for which I suggest a baking time of 35-40 minutes. If you prefer your pudding puffed up – more of a wobble than a quiver – then I suggest baking for 40-45 minutes.

Set the oven at 160C/gas mark 3. Break 2 large eggs into a bowl and beat until well mixed. Pour in 75ml of milk and 250ml of double cream. Add 50g of caster sugar, then beat everything lightly together with a whisk. Tear or slice 150g of panettone into large pieces and place in the baking dish.

Scatter 30g of golden sultanas and 1 tbsp of candied orange peel among

the panettone. Pour the custard into a 1 litre dish, soaking all of the panettone as you do so. Grate the zest of a small orange over the surface, then scatter with 2 tbsp of demerara sugar.

Bake the pudding in the oven for 35 minutes or until the custard is lightly set. Serves 3-4. Ready in 1 hour

To check if the pudding is ready, shake the dish – the custard should quiver in the middle. Take it from the oven and leave it to settle for a good 15 minutes before serving.

You can use brioche for this if you prefer. In which case I suggest doubling up on the dried fruit and candied peel.

Follow Nigel on Instagram @NigelSlater

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