1 down. Coins and notes only, they say, in disputed region. 7 letters.
2 down. Sweetly pretty princess growing up: she’s 11 or 12 perhaps. 9 letters.
3 down. Hope engineers can plug reservoir. 5 letters.
4 down. It’s needed for the rest of the partners. 6 letters and 3 letters.
5 down. Lead off folk and blues singer that shows guts. 5 letters.
6 down. Some Irish devices stop working. 4 letters and 5 letters.
7 down. Announced change for place of wedding. 5 letters.
8 down. Sport convention in the country. 7 letters.
14 down. One’s utmost effort in French is condemned upfront. 9 letters.
16 down. Part of shoe considered torn. 9 letters.
17 down. Undeclared reserves that melt away when the heat is on? 5 letters and 4 letters.
18 down. More disapproving of Mike opening elementary book. 7 letters.
20 down. Need to do this, suffering dry heat? 7 letters.
22 down. Cat’s very light weight. 5 letters.
23 down. At rear of pasture, thin tree. 5 letters.
24 down. Problems a good grocer halved. 5 letters.